
This past Sunday’s readings seemed to be all about fear – quite appropriate for today’s dramas, which I know very little about, but enough to know, I don’t want to know any more about them. I always enjoy hearing the story of the five talents. (Matthew 25:14-30) It’s very convicting. How many times have I buried my talents, out of fear of knowing what the Master expects me to do? It’s easier, isn’t it, to maintain status quo, rather than step out in faith and change the world. But Jesus was all about changing the status quo, breaking down boundaries, helping others do the impossible – because all things are possible with Him. (Matthew 19:26)

We don’t realize the power we have, walking this life with Jesus, Master of the Universe. Sometimes I wonder if He really cares about my little worries and burdens. But then, isn’t He the one that fearfully and wonderfully made me (Psalm 139:14), and knows every hair on my head (Luke 12:7)? We were not made to live with a spirit of fear, but one of power (2 Timothy 1:7), power through the blood of Christ. Jesus continually encourages us to step out in faith, so we can set the world ablaze with His love! (Luke 12:49)

After Mass, I was contemplating fear and its antithesis, courage. The root of courage is the Latin word cor, meaning heart. It takes our very core, or heart, to be courageous. I think of firefighters and martyrs when I ponder courage. But there is also everyday courage – disciplining my children, having a difficult conversation, letting down my guard and just being myself – this is the courage that I need regularly, which unfortunately, I don’t always have.

My next thought was the word encourage. Its meaning doesn’t seem to have anything to do with courage. To encourage is to support, give hope, or develop – in Latin, ‘in the heart’. It takes great courage to encourage, especially when there are so many discouraging things around us. In a sense, it is a battle against the forces of darkness, which only want to drag down, fill with despair, and destroy. There are certainly many opportunities in my own home to enter into the battle to encourage. The world needs more encouragement, and it starts at home.

I have been a dismal example of encouragement, which is why I’m restarting this blog. Jesus has given me ample opportunities to encourage, with 11 children and an overworked husband, and I’ve basically wasted the last 20 years, living in fear and self-centeredness. But that ends today.

God has given me a large circle of impact, but how have I impacted it? Yes, it’s important to love in practical ways – cleaning, cooking, educating – but what about the heart? That’s where this blog comes in – to hold myself accountable to multiply the talents God has given me, not bury them, not succumb to the negativity that pervades the world.

St. Teresa of Calcutta knew what encouragement was. She lived it, breathed it, everyday, ministering to the dying, impoverished, and unloved people of India and the world. One of her favorite sayings was, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Her smile spread Christ’s love, straight from His Sacred Heart. So I’m going to smile more. Smile at my children, my husband, the cashier, the mom hauling her screaming toddler out of Mass. They all need encouragement, because they all need to know God’s love more. There isn’t a single person who doesn’t need it. So why not start today, in your own home, with a simple smile, to spread the love of Christ and dispel the darkness, to encourage?

When is a Baby no Longer a Baby?

I know when a baby is a baby – from the moment of conception. But just when does a baby lose its baby status? Is it when the sweet little giggle doesn’t come quite so easily? Or when the short, chubby legs take their first steps? Maybe it’s when you no longer need to kiss the boo-boos to make it all better. Or when tiny little teeth start to protrude.

Does a baby grow up when he’s able to smear pureed bananas on his face? Or when she knows how to chatter ‘mama’ and ‘dada’? Maybe a baby is no longer a baby when she can put her princess panties on all by herself. Or when he can brush his own teeth.

When the sippy cups lose their lids, and car seats become boosters, is that when a baby is no longer a baby? Does a baby grow up when he can read his first sentence, or when she can tie her own shoes?

“It goes by so fast.” “Treasure these times.” “They grow like weeds.” “He’s not a baby anymore.” “What a big girl!”

To a mother, a baby will always be their baby.


Gray darkness chasing sidestepping shadows

Upward gaze to steal a ray

Wetness falling uncontrollably

Shuddering shaking

Howling deafness

Glancing downward toward a puddle


Steely cold penetrating the stillness

Tense hands grasping for peace

Glass beads tinkling

Nervously fumbling

Gazing toward the gray heavens

Clammy hands gripping tightly an invisible world


Fuchsia and lavender replacing disappearing stars

Tired eyes releasing their hold

Lightness rising softly

Soaring singing

Stumbling into confidence

Smiling eyes filling with hope

Trip Through Purgatory

Trip Through Purgatory – from my other blog, Less World More Christ.

Thank you!

8 Kids and a Business nominated me for 2 awards! Thank you so much! I find her blogs very inspiring and I’m so grateful that she finds mine inspiring as well.

As with all awards, here’s how this works:

  • display the award logo on my blog
  • link back to the blog of the person who nominated me
  • state 7 things about myself
  • nominate other bloggers and link to their site
  • notify the other bloggers of their nominations and tell them the requirements

I would like to nominate Melody Lowes for her stunning pictures and inspirational poetry.

Here are 7 things interesting about me:

  1. I am left-handed.
  2. I love to sing in an empty church.
  3. I love to make healthy food.
  4. My favorite hair dryer is a Chevy.
  5. I don’t like sand, but I love the water.
  6. I love dressing up.
  7. I am a life-long member of the Catholic Church.

Independence Night

Colors shatter night

Incensed booms shower down lights

Freedom still reigns here.

Close Encounter with Love

Baby’s shining smile

Delighting strangers’ faces

Memories refreshed